Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Best Laid Plans

We've had a busy week on C.A.R.I.B. III in Pont-de-Vaux, although things didn't go quite as we'd anticipated. As the Yiddish proverb goes, "Man plans, God laughs." Lon had his list of priority projects, and I had mine, and then Monday morning happened. Sometime during the night on Sunday the water pump decided to give up the ghost. We knew from the boat survey last year that it would probably reach the end of its useful life sooner rather than later, but we'd hoped to have more time. Just that quickly priorities changed, and the installation of navigation equipment was put on the back burner. Instead, Monday and Tuesday were spent running around to various stores to get a replacement pump and all the other necessary constituent parts.  Clothes that needed cleaning prior to an upcoming trip to Italy couldn't be washed aboard, but had to be schlepped to the washing machine in the port captain's office.  It was a healthy hike to use the marina's showers--and the water there took forever to warm up.  (At least water buckets in the head for flushing allowed us to avoid 2 a.m. walks in 45-degree temps.) However, we now have a nicely functioning water system.

The old water pump and accumulator tank
The new water pump and accumulator tank. "Shrinkage"
gives us a lot more space below deck.
We were ready to hit it hard today (May 1) to make up for getting behind on our to-do list. We thought to work on our French phone questions and maybe try to get the bikes we're going to need for cruising.  Too bad we forgot that today is a major French holiday--Labor Day. Just about all stores were closed, so we'll have to deal with those issues later. We didn't notice any Labor Day picnics for union members, just lots of people relaxing and enjoying the outdoors.

Up until the past two days the weather has been mostly cloudy, rather breezy, and rainy at times. Highs in the 50s and lows in the 40s have had these Florida transplants wondering about the wisdom of starting our "Europe summer" in April. However, the world looks and feels better after two days of sun and temps in the 60's.  We strolled through Pont-de-Vaux's Wednesday market and finally were able to comfortably sit outside for "happy hour."

A little girl is fascinated with chickens at the market
Main street Pont-de-Vaux is busy for Wednesday market
Same perspective as above, but now quiet on this holiday evening
Tomorrow we're off to Italy for a return to the Ischia Chamber Music Festival.  I've participated the past couple of years and really enjoyed it.  Lon is leaving the ranks of observers and will be participating this year.  He's been taking trumpet lessons for several months and working hard to get in shape for the intensive playing.  Eleven days in Italy will be followed by three days in Geneva, Switzerland, with a return to Pont-de-Vaux on May 16.

1 comment:

  1. OK, I was a little warm and sweaty but that is much better than cold and NO water. I am glad you are fixed. I guess you have been wearing the Sharpei coat !!!!
