Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Baby It's Cold Outside

We arrived back in France last Thursday, April 20. We were very grateful for an easy travel experience--no flight delays and it took only a few minutes to get through French customs and immigration--and we were especially grateful that we weren't met with any strikes to complicate our bus ride from the airport to Port Cergy. 

The first few days back in Europe are always a bit of a challenge: between jet lag, numerous trips to the grocery store to restock the boat, re-learning the on-board systems, encountering an unpleasant surprise or two (= "fix me" $$), arranging for a new mobile phone and phone plan, and running various other errands, we're pretty tired at the end of most days.

One of those "surprises" you don't want to see--a bilge full of
engine antifreeze. It appears we have a bad seal at the junction of the
 thermostat and the engine, which allowed all of the coolant in the
 upper storage tank to find its way out (and down) through the force of gravity.
 We are currently awaiting a parts shipment to make the repair. 

A cleaned-up C.A.R.I.B. III in Port-Cergy. She was not a pretty sight when we arrived, with a lot of nastiness on her decks: vegetation, dirt, algae. Lon had a "fun" afternoon with the pressure washer getting the bulk of the mess washed away.

The weather has been a rude awakening for us. Having lived in Minnesota U.S.A. for most of our lives, we've no right to be surprised that April weather can be unsettled in northern climes, but it's amazing how living in Florida has turned us into absolute weather wimps. We had sun the first couple of days here, but over the weekend the grey clouds and dampness settled in. Overnight lows in the 40's and daytime temps that stay in the low 50's are putting our wardrobes and the boat heating system to the test. 

Dressed for biking, our
only mode of transport.

With no car, it's a good thing our new barbecue grill could
fit on the bicycle cart. Grocery shopping is accomplished in
a similar fashion. We (mostly) dodge the rain.

But enough "whinging" (rhymes with cringing--I think I prefer this British term to our American "whining"). There's a nice, new restaurant at the Port, where last Friday we belatedly celebrated Lon's birthday. And getting back on the water is never a bad thing.

Lon's smile says it all--it's good to be back!

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